At the top of the year where most people are in the planning phase for goals and resolutions, I was going through what felt like an existential crisis. It was also at this time that I reconnected with Elizabeth… Elizabeth’s approach to my anxiety was beyond my expectations. She saw a person that I had long neglected because my frame of reference was rooted in my current shortcomings. Elizabeth helped me stop, actively listen and work towards changing my narrative from negative talk to a more positive one. She pointed me to resources that helped me strategically plan next steps of my professional career. Elizabeth held me accountable to the goals we outlined together while also providing a safe space to express my fears and insecurities. She encouraged me to look at each issue from an objective point of view rather than a subjective one and celebrated our wins & offered practical and thoughtful next steps for our losses. I say OUR because Elizabeth was a part of the preparation process from inception to conclusion. As I navigate in the new chapters of my career & life in general, I am grateful and still refer to the guides that Elizabeth coached me through. Her expertise, patience, compassion & guided processes are essential for overall health & wellbeing. Call her already!